24 thoughts on “Yachting Monthly’s Crash Test Boat Capsize

  1. i became confused at the whole interior cam and exterior cam bit…thought perhaps it was the other way around…

  2. Been there, done that, Hurricane Bob 1991, 120 Miles off the coast of New Jersey, USA, one month before the perfect storm, rolled 11 times, 120 + Knots of breeze, 70 ft seas = 10 days in a life raft !!!

  3. Interesting. Add 1000 pounds of gear flying around, containers broken open, electrical systems in operation, diesel motor running, fuel, sewage, storm wave action etc..

  4. Next time you want to do that, we can exchange boats… I can give you mine and you can give me yours 😀

  5. So, the lesson is: when you go to sea, EVERYTHING must be either strapped down or in a sealed compartment. You cook dinner…. you wash the dishes and stow them before eating ect.

  6. yes, from 2 sources: the main entry to the cabin from the cockpit, and from the air vents (which can be shutoff to prevent spray/rain from getting in, but don’t hold up to being submerged). I don’t know why they didn’t explain that.

  7. This is very interesting! I feel like buying latches and straps and adding them to my boat! Thank you for the test!

  8. Please enlighten me
    seemed that the boat did not return alone after the overturned upside down,
    or am I mistaken.

  9. What about the batteries? I’ve been on boats where they have not been properly secured.


  11. When the boat was completely upside down, did it take pressure from the crane to upright? I didn’t think that would be possible, maybe I misunderstand what i think i’m seeing. And, not to underplay what would obviously be a crisis, “days to clean up” really illustrates your point about the 79 Fastnet. You -could- clean this up in days. The boat rolled to be sitting intact & high in the water. Great video, as always.

  12. thanks you moron. My question was did most of the water come from the companion way? was there water in the bilge? hatches leaked?

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